I love this time of year! If you’ve followed me for a bit you know I love walking through the forest in the spring and find all the different blooms. To celebrate I put together two coloring pages, featuring two of my favorite orchids from the McCarthy area, the Calypso Orchid who will be gracing us soon with pink clusters in the forest; and the Mountain Lady Slipper, which is much less common but quite stunning.
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Lara Gastinger is a botanical artist and illustrator in Virginia who keeps the most inspiring sketchbook. I found her work on instagram (@laragastinger), where each week she usually posts from her “perpetual journal”, a weekly journal and sketchbook (now two books) that she’s been keeping for over a decade, since 2000. Her artwork is gorgeous in its own right, but the collection she’s put together and shares in her perpetual journal is really inspiring.
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Why do I keep a sketchbook? There are many reasons, one of which is that drawing and sketching help me to learn about the world around me.
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Variation and repetition in nature is interesting to me. The theme has an appealing aesthetic, but more importantly it also leads to interesting questions.
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I kept up a blog called "weekly-sketch" for a while on blogger, but I have wanted to move the blog to my website for a while. Since I took a couple months off of blogging now seemed like a good time to make the switch. So welcome to my new blog!
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